Please stop by Rung Vipa Thai traditional Massage Japan in Tokyo Asakusa.

The scorching heat has finally passed, and signs of autumn are beginning to appear, but how is everyone doing?
Thanks to you, it has been five months since Rung Vipa opened, and we have been visited by many customers, not only from within Japan, but also from overseas.
We have many couples, couples with friends, and the other day we had a customer with a small child.
Each room in our store is very spacious, so even those with children could feel at ease and enjoy themselves.
Autumn is finally coming, and the comfortable season for sightseeing.
When you feel tired from your daily work or sightseeing, please stop by Rung Vipa Thai traditional Massage Japan in Tokyo Asakusa.
All our staff look forward to seeing you.
Sincery yours
お陰様でルン ウィパーは開店から5か月が経ち、国内だけでなく様々な国外のお客様にもご来店頂いております。
日頃のお仕事のお疲れや、観光でお疲れの時には是非、浅草Rung Vipa ルン ウイパーにお立ち寄りください。